More about Israel’s Prophetic Holy Days

How the Lord Foretold the Future through His Holy Days

  In Isaiah 41, the Lord condemns Israel for worshipping other gods. He challenges them to bring forth their gods and have them foretell what will happen in the future, then bring it to pass.

  Of course, they could not. Only the Lord God of Israel has foretold what will happen in the future. In several cases, He has already fulfilled what He has foretold.

  Even more amazingly, He foretold the very time He would accomplish His greatest works of salvation. The way He did so was through Israel’s Holy Days, which He commanded. Below are those Holy Days, and how those days were prophetic of the Actual Time the Lord would fulfill His Works of Salvation.

 He also set these Holy Times to come either at Israel’s Spring Harvests or at their  Final Harvest of the year. Thus He foretold of the works He would do at His First Coming and then at His Second Coming.


The Lord’s Holy Days Commanded at Sinai (See Leviticus 23)


At the Time of The Early Harvests

Passover (vs.4-8).

The Offering of the First Sheaf of Barley (vs. 9-14).

The Feast of First fruits or Feast of Weeks at the wheat harvest (vs. 15-22).


At the Time of His Final Harvest

The Feast of Trumpets or Day of Remembrance at the beginning of the final harvest (vs. 23-25).

The Day of Atonement (vs. 26-32).

The Feast of Tabernacles when the harvest is completed (vs. 33-44).


How Those Holy Days Have been or Will Be Fulfilled


The Early Harvest

  1. Passover: Pointed to the Crucifixion of Jesus the Christ, which was fulfilled on that day.
  2. Offering of the First Sheaf of Barley: Pointed to Jesus’ Resurrection, fulfilled on that day.
  3. The Feast of Firstfruits or Weeks:  Pointed to and was fulfilled at Pentecost — Greek name for the 50th day, when the Holy Ghost was poured out, and thousands came into the Church, thus beginning Christ’s First world-wide harvest of souls.


The Final Harvest

  1. The Feast of Trumpets or Day of Remembrance: This great day was fulfilled on September 22, 1827, when the Golden Plates were received on this very day. Thus the Lord had indeed Remembered Israel and would now begin to regather them, particularly the Lost Tribes. New Revelation and The Book of Mormon would be the instruments of the beginning of this Final Harvest.*
  2. Day of Atonement: This day bears witness of what will happen at Jesus’ coming: Some other

Christians, Latter-day Saints, and even Jews, speculate this day may have some relationship to Messiah’s coming. However, scriptures say no one knows the day or hour. Not knowing the time for certain, tells us we must be prepared every day.

  1. The Feast of Tabernacles: (The first seven days of this feast points to the Millennium. (This is accepted by many Jews, other Christians and LDS).

 The Eighth Day of this Feast points to the beginning of the Eighth Age, when those who will inherit it, will enter into the Celestial Kingdom. (This was taught by the earliest Christians and is believed by some LDS.)


The Lord’s Other Holy Days

The Sabbath — every seventh day

The seven year Sabbaths and Jubilees

The First day of the week or 8th day Sabbath, initiated by Christ at His coming


How These Holy Days Will Be Fulfilled

The Seventh Day Sabbath: (This will be fulfilled by the Millennium)

The seven year Sabbaths and Jubilees (These times will also be fulfilled by the Millennium followed by entrance into the Celestial Kingdom as taught by Jubilees).

The First day of the week or 8th day Sabbath, initiated by Christ at His Coming. (This will be fulfilled by entrance into the Celestial Kingdom at the beginning of the Eighth Age, right after the Millennium. (Early Christians believed this. And Orson F. Whitney pointed out there is a symbolism to both the ending and beginning day of the week. “Saturday and Sunday are both symbolical, each suggesting and pointing to something above and beyond.” in “Saturday Night Thoughts” the Deseret News, May 1921, pp.  9-10.


Thus the Lord repeated His prophetic witnesses of the Millennium and the Day the righteous would receive their promised blessings, through many converging patterns in His Holy Days.


*The Day of Remembrance was to usher in the Final Holy Days which had come to be known as the “High Holy Days” and “The Days of Awe.”

Knowing that the Day of Remembrance has already been fulfilled, we are advised that we truly are in The Final Days of Awe.